Does this sound like you?
Spending all your time hustling to make money, but no time figuring out how to save or invest it
Crave financial confidence, but the information out there is overwhelming and confusing
Want to prepare for the future, but have no idea where to get started
Feel anxiety checking your bank accounts, personal or business and impulse spend (have have you ever said, “well it's a write off, so…”?)
You're a female realtor or solopreneur trying to navigate a financial world built by men
Attempting to manage your money with fluctuating income
Master Your Money
The Financial Framework to Gain Confidence and Clarity
The MYM Get R.I.C.H. Framework
Welcome + Money Mindset
in five weeks, we'll cover
Financial Foundations in Your Business
Your Enough Number, Budgeting for Fluctuating Income, Paying Yourself
Tax Categorization + Write Offs, Peer Driven Purchases, Tracking
ROI, Goal Setting, Retirement
After MYM, you will:
Have clear financial goals, and a plan to meet them
Know how to run your finances, month to month and year to year
Have a personalized budget for fluctuating income
Understand tax categorization, brackets, and write-offs
Get an actionable plan for retirement savings
Go from financial confusion to clarity,
and from overwhelmed to in control
… and way more, because I'm getting real nerdy over here!