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Didn’t have a prenup When I was seventeen, going to a Christian college in the south and meeting my ex-husband the first week of classes, I didn’t know anyone who had a pre-nuptial agreement. A pre-nup was something I might’ve heard of in the movies, but wasn’t at all a real thing to me. An […]
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An annual budget flabbergasts most people when I suggest it, but I contribute the much of my financial success to making a plan annually. To me, it’s the only budget that makes sense on a fluctuating income. I know September is going to be a huge month, just like I know I might make $0 […]
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I’ve lived in the city for ten years, and my partner Barry moved here years before I did. I’ve always dreamed of a way to live in two places at once, and in 2020, our desire for a place outside of our city New Orleans became increasingly hard to ignore. We dreamed and schemed over […]
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I’m incredibly lucky to work with so many different creative entrepreneurs, and as my work continues I’ve seen a few mistakes that nearly every small business owner makes in some way. Here’s a breakdown of the most common mistakes I see creative entrepreneurs make, and action items on how to fix them! 1. Not knowing […]
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I thought the perfect subject for my very first blog post would be an intimate introduction into my own financial situation – a Becker Talks Money 2021 Numbers in Review! I truly believe creative entrepreneurs should be sharing more about how much money we make and spend. When people learn how much money I save […]